Summer’23 Release Notes

Below are the AGrid summer 23 release notes

  1. Group by - Allow user to organize data in list view based on the selected group field in Configuration side.

  2. List action supports conditional formatting [only control variables] - Allow user to Hide/Disable List action.

  3. Load 10k records - AGrid supports loading up to 10000 records.

  4. Support Global variable as User fields - User can add conditions based on the logged-in user's context. This type of functionality allows you to dynamically control the rendering or visibility of records based on specific conditions related to the user.

  5. Clone Row and List action - Able to clone the AGrid Row and List action.

  6. Required field validation - Support Field level and AGrid column level required validation.

  7. Create configuration based on the Salesforce list view and related list view - Allow user to create AGrid configuration based on the Salesforce list view and related list view.

  8. Includes, Excludes for Number and String field - Support Includes, Excludes for Number and String field.

  9. Dependent Picklist - AGrid now allows dependent picklist fields for up to three levels of dependencies.

  10. Support for Record Type field - Record type field is now supported in Inline edit and bulk creation module.

11.  Free Vs Premium. 

Find more details of the released features on this blog on our website.