Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, AGrid admin can select fields from the primary object or related parent objects for display in the list view. Currently, AGrid supports up to 5 parent object levels.

Can AGrid admin restrict certain fields from being exported in the data export? 

Yes, AGrid admin can enable the "Exclude From Export" option for selected fields to restrict those fields from being exported in the data export. 

Can AGrid admin restrict certain fields from being edited in bulk? 

Yes, AGrid admin can enable the "Disable Bulk Edit" option for picklist or multi-select field to restrict those fields from being edited in bulk. 

An Intelligent Related List in AGrid is a virtual relationship between two objects that do not have a direct relationship, while a related list in Salesforce is a direct relationship between two objects.  

Intelligent Related List is a feature in AGrid that allows creating virtual relationships between two objects that do not have a direct lookup or master-detail relationship. It allows users to view related records based on specific conditions and filters defined in AGrid configuration. 


Contact records that are related to a Case record based on the Case's AccountId field. Where Contact and Case object don’t have a direct lookup or master-detail relationship. 

Refer this link to create Intelligent Related List

 To display an Intelligent Related List in AGrid, you need to reference the Intelligent Related List unique name in Salesforce App Builder page. 

Yes, AGrid's Intelligent List feature enables you to build related lists for objects without direct relationships, visualize complex relationships with sibling records, sibling objects, grandchild objects, and unrelated objects. 

Refer this link to create Intelligent Related List

Difference between Row and List actions? 

Row Action

List action

Row Action

List action

Actions that can be performed on individual records 

Actions that can be performed on multiple records at once 

Displayed as buttons or links next to each record in the list view 

Displayed as buttons above the list view 

How do I pass values to Custom Actions in AGrid?  

You can pass values to Custom Actions in AGrid using the Value field or the Global Variable field. In the Global Variable field, you can select a value based on the current AGrid List View or the context of the selected object in the configuration. 

Refer this link to pass value to Row Action

Refer this link to pass value to List Action

How to add custom actions to a column in AGrid? 

To add custom actions to a column in AGrid, 

  • Go to the Columns tab and click the Add Action button.  

  • Select the row action you want to add and provide a label for it to be displayed in the AGrid list view. 

What is a Preference in AGrid?  

A Preference is a customized filter that can be applied to the list view for easier access to records. Both AGrid admins and end-users can create and use Preferences. 

What is a Managed Preference in AGrid?  

A Managed Preference is a Preference created by AGrid admins. End-users can view and clone it, but cannot edit or delete it. The AGrid admin can update, delete, clone or activate/deactivate Managed Preferences as needed. 

What is an End-User Preference in AGrid?  

An End-User Preference is a Preference created by an end-user. AGrid admins can update, delete, or promote it to a Managed Preference. 

What is the Allow Preference Sharing option in AGrid Preferences?  

The Allow Preference Sharing option allows end-users to share their Preferences with other users. 

What is the Show Field Label Only option in AGrid Preferences?  

The Show Field Label Only option hides the Field API name in Preferences on the end-user side, displaying only the field label. 

What is the Show Configuration Columns Only (Preference) option in AGrid Preferences?  

The Show Configuration Columns Only (Preference) option shows only the fields added in Columns in the Preferences on the end-user side. 

What is the Allow User To Override option in AGrid Preferences? 

Enabling "Allow User to Override" in the Preference Settings of AGrid will give the end user the ability to modify the base filter criteria when viewing the list view. The base filter criteria is set by the AGrid admin and can be overridden by the end user if this option is enabled. 

What are the types of Conditional Rendering available in AGrid?  

There are three types of Conditional Rendering available in AGrid:

  • Highlight,

  • Hide/Disable Action,

  • and Disable Inline Edit. 

For more information, refer this link

What is the Control Variable in Conditional Rendering?  

The Control Variable in Conditional Rendering allows users to apply the rule to a specific profile, permission set, or permission set group. 

What is the Order Number in Conditional Rendering?  

The Order Number in Conditional Rendering specifies the priority of the rule. If multiple rules apply to a specific row or column, the rule with the lowest Order Number takes precedence. 

How can I create an AGrid configuration for an external object?  

Creating an AGrid configuration for an external object is similar to creating one for a standard object. Create new Configuration and select External object and save the changes. 

For more information, refer this link

What is a Configuration Group in AGrid? 

A Configuration Group is a feature in AGrid that allows you to add multiple AGrid configurations in a single component. 

For more information, refer this link

What are the different display options for Configuration Groups in AGrid?

Configuration Groups in AGrid can be displayed in three ways: tab view, accordion view, and dropdown view. 

What is Inline Edit Support for Parent level? 

Inline Edit Support for Parent level refers to the ability for users to edit fields on the first level parent record of a related object directly from the AGrid List View. For example, if a user has a Configuration for Contacts, they can edit fields on the parent Account record directly from the AGrid List View. This feature can save time and improve efficiency for users who need to make quick updates to related records without having to navigate to the parent record's detail page. 

For more information, refer this link

What is multi column sorting? 

Multi-column sorting is a feature that allows you to sort data based on multiple criteria in a table or list. In AGrid, multi-column sorting allows you to sort records in a List View based on multiple columns. You can add up to three sort columns, and the records will be sorted based on the values in the first column, then the second column, and so on. 

For example, suppose you have a List View in AGrid that displays sales data, including the salesperson's name, the product sold, and the date of the sale. You can use multi-column sorting to sort the records first by the salesperson's name, then by the product sold, and then by the date of the sale. This allows you to quickly find and analyze data based on multiple criteria.