Spring’23 Release Notes

  1. Inline Edit Support for Parent level - User can edit first level parent fields.

  2. Load All - Loads maximum of 2000 records at a time.

  3. External Object - AGrid now supports External object. Admins can create configuration for External object and view records as List view.

  4. Bulk Creation - Able to create multiple records at a time by using this feature.

  5. Standard action as row action
    a. Standard actions like Create, View and Delete are created as records in Row actions.
    b. Admin can set how Row Action should render, either in menu or dropdown view.

  6. Global variables based Conditional Rendering filter - Admins can apply Conditional Rendering for Profiles, Permission sets and Permission Set Groups.

  7. Hide or Disable Standard actions - Admins can now Hide or Disable standard actions (Create, View and Delete) based on the filters added in Conditional Rendering.

  8. Disable Row level Inline Edit - Admins can disable Row level Inline Edit based on the filters added in Conditional Rendering.

  9. Hide header in Configuration Group - User will be able to hide Configuration Group header in Lightning App Builder page.

  10. Launch a Configuration Group - AGrid list view Row actions now support Launching Configuration Group based on current record Id.

  11. User Experience improvement
    a.  Added done button for Multi-select Picklist.
    b. Right aligned Number, Currency, Geolocation and Percentage field in AGrid List View.