Adding Media Manager to a Record detail page

To add Media Manager in record detail page

  1. Go to Record detail page

  2. Click Edit page

  3. Drag and Drop "Media Manager" from the components list

  4. Click on Save

  5. Navigate to the record detail page

  6. Media Manager will show up on the detail page


Options in the design attribute space


Child Object Name

Specify the name of the child object to display the files from the child object on the current record detail page. This attribute is set while we show files from a related object. For example, If the user wants to see all the attachments in Case object in Account object. Provide the object name “Case“ under Child Object Name and AccountId under Parent Field Name.


Parent Field Name

Mention the corresponding related field name of the child object. This attribute is set while we show files from a related object. For example, If the user wants to see all the attachments in Case object under Accounts. Provide the object name “Case“ under Child Object Name and AccountId under Parent Field Name.


Parent ID

Mention the Parent Id of the current page. This is used only when the component is used on Home pages or any common pages. In case of a record detail page, the record id is over written by default.



Specify the height of the Media Manager section in pixels. Default value is 400 pixels.



Choose the source - File/Attachment/Both


File Type

Provide the file type to show up on the viewer.

Supported File Types - Image/Audio/Video/Text/PDF. If the field is left blank, it accepts all the mentioned file types.



Default View

Specify the default view (Slider View/List View/Tile View)


Slider View

Allow user to show Slider


List View

Allow user to show List View


Tile View

Allow user to show Tile View


Order By

The column used to sort the files by last modified date/ created date/ Name


Sort Order

Choose to order the files/attachments in ascending/descending order.


Background color

Choose a background color for the slider view.


Allow Fullscreen View

Allow to display the files on a Fullscreen.


Get Files from Email Attachments

Turning on this feature decides whether to show files and attachments from Emails. This is applicable only to Case Object where cases are created by Customer Service Request Emails.


Allow Upload

Allow user to upload files


Allow Delete

Allow user to delete files


Allow Share

Allow user to share files